Gracarca Cultural Trail

The hilly landscape between Lake Klopein and Grabelsdorf in Carinthia’s Jauntal valley has been inhabited and shaped by people for over 3000 years. The archaeological-historical culture trail on the Gracarca ridge reveals preserved traces of various cultures that shaped the history of this region. Research-based visualisations and reconstructions on information boards reveal insights into past times to visitors interested in the area.


Was the settlement on the Gracarca the town Noreia, the capital of the Celtic Regnum Noricum? Was the noble warrior in the burial mound near Grabelsdorf a leader in the Slavic principality of Carantania? Some historical questions like these will be difficult to answer with final certainty. However, the research of the last decades has been able to gain numerous new insights into important chapters of our history from the historical cultural landscape around Gracarca and Grabelsdorf. The Gracarca Cultural Trail makes these visible on site and provides access to additional information online.

Cultural Trail

Six information boards in Grabelsdorf and on the Gracarca serve as bookmarks in the landscape. They can be easily reached on hiking trails and describe archaeological-historical cultural heritage from the Iron Age to the Middle Ages.